A loyalty program is a marketing strategy that is designed to encourage customers to continue shopping at or purchase at your site. These programs usually contain rewarding schemes or a customer is issued a loyalty card (reward card, points card, advantage card, or some other card). 

In other words, when a customer purchases a product or performs an activity, he is given certain points which he can redeem at a specific point of time. This gives him motivation and an urge to keep purchasing through your site.



In order to run InviteReferrals loyalty programs on your site, you have to install the javascript code of InviteReferrals on your site. Once you have implemented the code, you are good to go!

Now, you can create loyalty programs from the InviteReferrals dashboard. In order to begin the process, Login to the InviteReferrals account.

                create loyalty programs


Navigate to the IR dashboard> Settings > Basic to create a loyalty program.

Define the variables of basic settings :

a. Program Name: Assign a name to your loyalty program.

b. Min redeem points: Set the value for the points which are the minimum required to redeem loyalty points.

c. Point value: Set the point value for the redeem points.



You can create VIP tiers to reward your valuable customers through increasing rewards, points, and perks. You can create different categories for the customers - Silver, Gold, and Platinum so that they can automatically fetch the rewards as per their category. You can set up these categories on the basis of purchases made, points earned and amount spent by the customers.

How to create a VIP tier :

a. Name: Assign a VIP category.

b. Points needed: Set the value for the points a customer must have earned in order to be in that VIP tier. That means he must have earned aggregate points to be in the Gold, Silver, and Platinum category. 

c. Points multiplier: Here set the value, the customer will receive as a perk.

d. Bonus points: Set the bonus points which you will give to the customer as a reward when they come to this tier.

Note: Click on the create button to create the VIP tier. See the below image for reference.

Note: Click on the create button to create the VIP tier. See the below image for reference.


How to configure the bonus point activity:

a. Activity Name: Specify the activity name on which you want to give loyalty points to the customers.

b. Points: They signify the bonus points you will give to the customers as a reward.

c. Expiry: Set the time span up to which the bonus points will be valid for the customers.

d. Activity description: Give a description of the activity. That means describing the activity at which the user will get bonus points.

e. Notification: Select notification email to send notifications on different points' status like active, processing, or canecelled .

f. Approval:   You can choose approval options like immediately, manually, or after a number of days to give loyalty points to customers for this specific activity.



Note: You can enable or disable the acceptance of bonus points from API. That means you can give poi


Create the notifications you will be sending to the customers when they earn points or redeem points. You can mail them directly as they earn or redeem points.

See the below template for earn points notifications.


a. Subject: Create a subject line for the mail. Set the dynamic attributes: You’ve earned {{points}} Points! .Here points will be sent dynamically through our software.

b. Content: Create the content for the mail. You can display an image of 1200 * 480 pixels and pass the user attributes in the content such as activity performed by the customer, his name, and the points earned by him.

   See the below template for the redeem points notifications :

a. Subject:  Create a subject for the email. 


b. Content: Create content for the email and pass the user attributes. Also, put the CTA button to allow the users to take immediate action on the notification.


Create a new reward by defining its reward name, reward type, description, and the medium of rewards.

a. Reward name: Define the name of the reward which you will give to the customers.

b. Reward type: Define if you want to reward a fixed amount or a percentage of it to the customers.

c. Points to be deducted: Set the value which will be deducted from the customer earned points to redeem the reward.

d. Fixed amount reward/Percentage amount reward: Set the value as per the reward type you will be giving to the customers. i.e. through upload coupon, shopify coupon or paytm money.

e. Description: Create a description of the reward.

f. Notification: Select the notification through which you will notify the customers for their rewards. 

Note: If your website is on Shopify, then you first need to integrate Invitereferrals Shopify app.


 See the below image for the percentage discount reward type :


See the below image for the fixed amount reward:


Once you click on the create button, your reward configuration is completed.



Create a new activity and set the points for the actions performed by the customers on your site. For example - If he made a purchase, you can give him 100 points on the purchase.

Define the variables for "creating a new activity" :

a. Assign the activity name, points value, the expiry till when the points are valid, the activity description. Also, set the status for the notification and define its status and approval.


You can view here the analytics about all the users, the earned points, and redeemed points.

  a. USERS:  Here, you can view the analytics of all the users such as profile, activities, points earned, points available, etc. You can also see all the details for any specific user using username in searchbox.

b. POINTS EARN: From here you can view stats of the points earned by all the users. Search from the search bar about any of the specific user by their username. View the activity he performed, the points he earned, and the validity date of the loyalty points.


c. POINTS REDEEM: From here you can view stats of the points redeemed by all the users. Enter the username in the search bar and view the analytics about the points redeemed by any specific user, the transaction ID, and the date on which he redeemed the points.

Note: You can specify the date range for which you want to view the analytics and you can view the analytics of an individual user too. Specify the name in the search bar and you are good to go!


Create and customize the widgets on your website so that users can see all the points earned by them, so they can redeem.


Define the variables of the widget settings :

a. Login head text: Create the head text for the widget.

b. Login body text: Create the content of the widget

c. Color: Determine the login head background color and launcher button background color.

d. Image: Upload the header background image and launcher button icon for the widget.

e. Position: Choose the position for the widget on the website.

f. Remote login URL: Determine the URL which allows the user to land on the login page of the site. Then when a user logs in your site, he will automatically login on the widget using SSO (single sign-on) and can see loyalty points in detail.

Note: Activate or deactivate the widget from turn on or turn off button.



WIDGET TARGETING RULEDefine the targeting rules for the widget. Add the rule of the URL on which you want to show the widget. Choose the devices on which you want to target the widget.


Click on the SUBMIT button to proceed. Follow the above steps to create and run loyalty programs on your site.